World Trade Organization A new digital presence for WTO that meets the needs of their global audience
Through innovative design, collaborative processes, and advanced testing, we delivered a modernized, user-friendly experience

In 2016, Optima participated in a European tender process for the redesign of the World Trade Organization (WTO) website, an essential global resource with over 37,000 pages in multiple languages, including Arabic.
Following the successful tender, Optima was awarded the contract and tasked with modernizing the site’s design and making it fully responsive. The challenge was to implement these changes while maintaining the existing site structure and without making significant alterations to the HTML architecture.
The WTO’s website had been developed over many years without a content management system (CMS), leading to the need for a complete redesign that would bring the site up to modern standards while adhering to its existing structure. The architecture was fixed, so Optima’s role was to design a solution that could seamlessly integrate with the existing framework while making the site fully responsive across all devices.
Another key challenge was to ensure effective collaboration with the WTO team throughout the process and to manage the complexities of designing for a multilingual site with extensive content.

The redesigned WTO website received positive feedback from all levels within the organization, including senior leadership. The design overhaul significantly improved the site’s usability and accessibility, offering a modern, responsive experience without requiring extensive modifications to the existing framework.
Post-launch, Optima provided six months of support to address any issues or alterations that arose, ensuring a smooth transition. The project demonstrated Optima’s ability to deliver complex web design solutions for large, multilingual organizations with vast content needs.

UNI Global Union Website
WebOptima created a new website for UNI Global Union, a major international labor organization representing over 20 million workers around the world.

World Energy Council
WebOptima partnered with the World Energy Council to transform their digital presence, creating a dynamic, user-friendly platform that supports WEC’s global initiatives.